Alberta La Grup in Spear’s Lifestyle Index 2023!

We are honoured to be in The Spear’s Lifestyle Index 2023.

A list that includes the best lifestyle advisers for HNWs and UHNWs. And Alberta La Grup is in the Concierge Services category.

Thank you very much, Spear’s Magazine!

And thank you 馃檹馃徑 to all our clients, employees, interns, collaborators, partners and friends for your trust and support.

Read more here:


(Sigue en espa帽ol)



隆Alberta La Grup en Spear’s Lifestyle Index 2023!

Es un honor para nosotros figurar en The Spear’s Lifestyle Index 2023.

Una lista que incluye a los mejores asesores de estilo de vida para HNWs y UHNWs. Y Alberta La Grup est谩 en la categor铆a de Servicios de Conserjer铆a.

隆Muchas gracias, Spear’s Magazine!

Y gracias 馃檹馃徑 a todos nuestros clientes, empleados, becarios, colaboradores, socios y amigos por vuestra confianza y apoyo.

M谩s informaci贸n aqu铆:



Lourdes Carb贸 talks about the Personal Angels with Luis Herrero on ES RADIO


We are news in the newspaper EL MUNDO