Housekeeping crew. Our professional housekeepers a part of keeping your property in properly conditions,and take care of your house punctually or regularly, depending on your needs; they can carry out a lot of other services. They are very well trained through the continuous programs of our The Lifestyle Institute, imparted by professional butlers, where they can strengthen some tasks, such as wardrobe organization, complicated and special cleanings, among others. Our housekeepers have experience working in private U-HNWI houses which means that they are experts in high-end protocols; they speak different languages.
Trust professionals to keep spaces spotless and ordered.
* Laundry, Steaming Service, Dry Cleaning, Delivery & Ironing, Shoe Care/Shinning & Seamstress, Wardrobe Cleaning, Organization of Spaces and walk-in closets, Water Plants and coordinate with the property management team for the visits of other suppliers and even create the protocols to maintain your property always impeccable according to your preferences and needs.
Whether you’ve just moved in or simply bought a lot of new items for your home and need to get rid of some others, we will carefully create