Editorial | Author: María José Núñez | July 2022 How does the 1% really live? What shape does daily life take for those who have a luxury lifestyle? For most of us, those questions remain unanswered, at least as far as personal experience goes. One of The


 We share with you an article about Alberta LaGrup and The Lifestyle Institute, in L’econòmic!   Don’t miss it! Read the article: https://bit.ly/3Pm2F42 Read it in english! ⤵️ ………………………………………. Angels without wings and with their feet on the ground Lourdes Carbó coordinates and trains the people that make the daily life of the richest people in the


We are proud to announce that Alberta la Grup has been included in the 2022 Spear's Concierge Services Index  #SpearsConciergeIndex; a Spear's Magazine anual listing of the best Concierge Services, working hard to make life of UHNWI easy. Alberta La Grup will be the platform that will host the students