Lourdes CarbĂł, founder and CEO at Alberta La Grup and The Lifestyle Institute, spoke in 'En Casa de Herrero', from ES RADIO.   We share with you an excerpt from the interview. — [video width="1674" height="414" mp4="https://albertalagrup.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/EsRadio-Herrero-Recorte-ALG-24323-online-video-cutter.com-1.mp4"][/video] The whole programme: Las noticias de Herrero: PolĂ©mica trans en las oposiciones


Cristina MartĂ­, Personal Angel and Lifestyle Manager at Alberta La Grup and lecturer at The Lifestyle Institute, spoke for 'Juntos', a magazine on Telemadrid.   We share with you an excerpt from the interview, where she explained the important role played by Personal Angels. — [video width="1336" height="792" mp4="https://albertalagrup.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/TeleMadrid-Juntos-210323.mp4"][/video]


Read this interesting interview with Cristina MartĂ­ about Alberta La Grup and The Lifestyle Institute at NIUS DIARIO! The original article: ÂżQuĂ© hace un asistente personal de millonarios? (niusdiario.es) And read it in english here — ·        These professionals are dedicated to assisting “high net worth


Lourdes CarbĂł: "Personal assistants need to understand each other and technology"   You can now listen to the #SmartConnections podcast from CaixaBank Connect, where Lourdes CarbĂł, CEO of The Lifestyle Institute and Alberta La Grup | lifestyle experiences, and JesĂșs Serrano, Manager of Programming, Strategic Missions and Technologies at Microsoft, talk about virtual


 Did you see our intervention in the Sunday magazine La Roca, on La Sexta TV?  If you couldn’t see Lourdes Carbó talking about the life of multimillionaires and the Personal Angel profession, you can watch it in this link:  https://thelifestyle.institute/ftp/LaRocaInterviewOc22.mp4 Thank you very much for giving visibility to our profession!


Now you can hear an interesting report where we participated with the team of ‘A Vivir que son dos dĂ­as’ (directed by Javier del Pino), the reference radio show in Cadena SER, with Juan JosĂ© MillĂĄs and Paqui Ramos.   🎧 Listen here   Here is the translation of the article from the Cadena