
Urban Lifestyle Experts at your disposal to resolve a certain number of tasks every month, and offer a calendar of leisure and entertainment proposals completely tailored to your preferences. Personalized for you and your loved ones.


Some examples:

  • Managing your personal and private calendar, so you never miss an appointment.
  • Locating those objects of desire that seem impossible to nd.
  • Organizing and coordinating activities for when you have guests, including routes around the city, itineraries, trips and concierge attention.
  • Managing and coordinating things such as household staff and the weekly food and supplies shop.
  • Writing ‘thank you’ notes on your behalf.
  • Choosing you the best destinations for a weekend getaway and providing you with a list of the best suites.
  • Itineraries and reservations for the best restaurants and night life.
  • Coordinating the purchase of items in other countries and cities, and bringing them to you so you don’t have
    to travel.
  • Providing a guide of monthly activity ideas for children and families.
  • Arranging a personal trainer.
Illustration by: admin


Unique · Practical · Up-to-date · Premium · Effective · Cool ·


Time saving · Assistance on your daily routine · Save Money · Focusing on what is most important for you · Priorize · Trends · Perks ·


Lifestyle, LifestyleManagement