10 negocios para clientes millonarios Por EDITORIAL REVISTA EMPRENDEDORES | 6 de Diciembre de 2016 / En España suponen 193.000 posibles clientes, pero en el mundo existen 15,4 millones de indivíduos que tienen un capital de más de un millón de dólares. ¿Qué se les puede ofrecer a este colectivo


The flower of a thousand names… Calendula, Marigold, Warbler, Calendula officinalis…just to name a few. The Calendula is a beautiful flower which features bright orange, grandiose flower heads and blooms throughout most of the year. With its origen in the majestic Mediterranean region, Egypt and the


Alberta La Grup is not in the business of managing things, anymore. Concierge is the business of managing values. What are the ultimate Luxury Values? TIME, INFORMATION and EMOTION. Alberta La Grup works with: Busy and powerful individuals who have to “squeeze” their personal time. They have no