Excellence: turning the ordinary into the extraordinary
Editorial Alberta La Grup | Author: María José Núñez | April 2023
Excellence is defined as the superior quality or goodness that makes something or someone worthy of appreciation and esteem… In the world of Lifestyle Management, we think of it as the ability to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary. We find ourselves in the pursuit of excellence almost constantly.
(Sigue en español)
It is far from being a question of living under pressure from this relentless pursuit of perfection, but rather, with the correct training, experience and skills required to be a Personal Angel, we can consider it a daily learning process… It is the icing on the cake that makes this profession different in every situation, as well as interesting, exciting and, above all, the antithesis of monotony.
Where does the magic of transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary happen? Quite simply, in the small details: Those particularities, gestures and even details that make the difference.
“Perfection is not attainable, but if we pursue perfection
we can achieve excellence”
(Vince Lombardi)
Examples? Well, they are just as endless as the many different situations and complex lives you can find… Enjoying the softness and comfort of Egyptian cotton sheets when you have just landed on the other side of the world, being the first diner of the night at the most coveted table in the best restaurant in the Big Apple, having everything ready to take a first class flight and arriving on time, being able to have breakfast every morning with the best views of your city…
Everyday moments such as sleeping, having breakfast, eating and moving become exceptional and unusual. These are moments that could be something amazing for the vast majority of mortals.
That is what being a Personal Angel is all about: Managing complex lives, so that your clients (High Net Worth Individuals) can enjoy their privileges, spending their time on what they truly desire and delegating other functions, actions and tasks to the assistants in their private lives. We only have one life. If you have the possibility for it to be excellent, why would you settle for ordinary?
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