What kind of lifestyle requires a Personal Angel?
Author: María José Núñez
As we have already shared what the true meaning of a Personal Angel is, what the profession and their daily work involves, the truths and the myths, and what skills the job typically requires, the time has now come to analyse what kind of lifestyle truly needs the help of a PA. Fasten your seatbelts; it’s time for take-off! Your Personal Angel will be waiting for you on the runway – with those strong wings, you can be certain that they will get there before you!
(sigue en español)
It seems that when we talk about PAs the first thing that we always have to do is debunk the myths (and apologies for taking advantage of the word myth here). Frankly, we really need to start by getting rid of the idea – exaggerated by the world of cinema and television – that the only kind of lifestyle that requires a Personal Angel is that of extremely famous and well-known people… Pop stars, divas or superficial multimillionaires that want someone to manage their entire lives.
Of course, in this convoluted world that we live in, you can find all kinds of different cases, just as there are a plethora of different ways to be, act or to organize your personal schedule. However, it’s important to point out that the many different conditions that could make a ‘lifestyle’ susceptible to requiring a PA are far from that stereotypical image that we tend to see.
So, let’s go back to that initial question: What kind of lifestyle may require a Personal Angel? Since we love a good list and to simplify complicated issues, we have summarised it in four points:
- They are complex lives, where there are usually various elements at play: people or families with a large number of staff (at least 5 members of personal staff, but it could be as many as 30 people or more), who have to travel almost constantly and in which professional life tends to overshadow personal life with the former almost completely taking over the latter, or at least significantly reducing their free time. And that takes us on to our next requirement…
- Lives that need time management. The composition of their daily reality leads to a kind of ‘Tetris’ that is difficult to overcome. That’s why they need external help, on top of their household staff, nannies, etc, to ensure that all those different pieces fit together properly and to coordinate their ‘to-do list’ of all the things that the individual in question will not have time to do.
- Of course, we are talking about ways of living that are a long way from a ‘typical’ lifestyle that most people are used to. We are talking about high net worth individuals; lifestyles in which we might encounter situations such as organising a large party with influential guests or getting a yacht ready to go travelling the next day, or making sure the house where they are going to stay is perfect for them when they arrive at their destination. And that’s exactly what a PA takes care of.
- A lifestyle where luxury reigns. The simple fact of having a Personal Angel already emits the signal that your everyday pace is not the same as it is for most people, and that you need someone who has the capability to coordinate everything that you don’t have time to do and to delegate… It means you can delegate all those activities, tasks and errands to that person. And of course, you can use your economic resources to make sure that the PA takes care of them in the most efficient way possible. Objective: the tasks completed by your PA mean more time for you, for your family, for your job, for you to enjoy… that’s for you to decide. Because that’s your lifestyle.
“A Personal Angel works for the client under the strictest confidentiality, ethics and discretion. These are non-negotiable within this profession”
We could be more specific about the kind of lifestyle that requires a PA, but it would be impossible to be sufficiently rigorous or fair… There are as many different lifestyles as there are lives, cultures, families, economic factors, social situations and different circumstances (the current situation with the pandemic, for example). But if one thing remains clear, it’s that all of this takes us to the same place: time and how it can be managed. In the words of the Greek philosopher, Theophrastus: “Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend”. In the end, it is a gift and we have no idea when it will run out. If you have within your grasp a way to make sure you invest it in the best way possible, why not take advantage of that? That is the essence of Lifestyle Management.
Copyright © by Alberta La Grup
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Just include the biography at the end of the article. Thank you!
Credits: Pixabay
Translation: Emily Benton
Qué estilos de vida requieren de un Personal Angel
Autora: María José Núñez
Ahora que ya hemos difundido lo que engloba el significado de Personal Angel, de qué trata esta profesión, cuáles son sus funciones, los mitos y las verdades y, además, las aptitudes que reúnen, creemos que llega el momento de analizar qué estilos de vida requieren, verdaderamente, de la existencia de un PA. ¡Abróchense los cinturones, que vamos a despegar! Tu Ángel Personal te espera en la pista de aterrizaje, pues con sus extensas alas da por hecho que llegará antes.
Todos los derechos reservados ©by Alberta La Grup
Si quieres publicar este artículo o fotografía, está bien. Sólo debes incluir la biografía, autor y esta información sobre los derechos. Gracias.
Créditos fotografía: Pixabay
Traducción: Emily Benton