Sigue texto en español A PA Protagonist An interview to the writer of a novel with a PA as a protagonist. by Elena Castelló for ®Alberta La Grup The writer from Barcelona, Neus Arqués has published her book “Caída Libre” (Roca editorial), the intertwined story of three women in


Personal Assistant, Personal Angel TM by Elena Castelló | Nov-2018 Lourdes Carbó, founder and director of Alberta La Grup, had a great intuition: a “personal assistant” is like a personal guardian, an “angel”. Just like in the finance world where we speak about “business angels” - the figure


Dear colleagues, According to our PA team at Alberta La Grup these are the top ten most useful and interesting apps for a PA. Although we use much more, we hope this short list is also useful for you too. Should you know any additional app as a


(sigue en Español) per Joana Bonet | 20.06.2015 - 01:58h | La Vanguardia "Quan els professionals d'elit van començar a canviar les seves secretàries hipereducades per un assistant amb dos màsters, tres idiomes i un "sí" permanent en el somriure, el neologisme va portar dubtes i resistències,


The modern personal assistant plays a role similar to that which used to becalled a personal secretary, but at any moment a personal assistant might also be called upon for services otherwise performed by a butler, concierge, babysitter, personal shopper, messenger, pet sitter, mother, lover,


Featured at GP Millionaire Magazine April ’09 Time worship. One life. So much to experience To confirm that luxury is now more personalised than ever is no exaggeration, and just like tastes, it’s all a matter of preferences. It’s clear that any product or service that can be attained