Editorial Alberta La Grup | Author: María José Núñez   Luxury in hotels isn’t demonstrated through the number of stars it holds alone, but also through the specific services it offers, such as:  uniqueness, gastronomy, breakfast, the spa, the concierge service, to name a few amongst a


  “In both professions (illustration and Personal Angel), creativity is essential”   We have interviewer Jesús Prudencio, the prestigious illustrator who has collaborated with us on one of our editiorials (as well as many more to come in the future…)   Editorial Alberta La Grup | Author: María José Núñez


Author: María José Núñez Translation: Emily Benton   We live in a world surrounded by myths, beliefs and even fantasies about pretty much everything around us. Could the reason be that we think we know everything but really we know nothing? Maybe this is an overly catastrophic reference.


Editorial | Author: María José Núñez | July 2022 How does the 1% really live? What shape does daily life take for those who have a luxury lifestyle? For most of us, those questions remain unanswered, at least as far as personal experience goes. One of The


(Sigue en Español) “In three words, I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: Just keep going - Robert Frost (1874 – 1963) by Elena Castelló | Editorial Alberta La Grup | April 2020 An unknown, unexpected enemy has invaded our lives. It had confined us to our


(Sigue en Español) 21st Century Butlers “They won’t hear anything, nor see anything, only serve”. The Butler” (2013) - Lee Daniels by Elena Castelló | Editorial Alberta La Grup | February 2020   Cecil Gaines - played by actor Forest Whitaker – recalls his life in domestic service in Lee Daniels’